Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Autumn Leaves

Welcome to Autumn!  The wind is getting blustery, and the leaves are falling...mostly all over my car.  It's a wonderful, and colorful time of year.

My five year old has started a "leaf collection"  which she adds to every day.  Yesterday she was sad when she opened the box to find that some of her favorite leaves had lost their bright colors and turned brown.  How fast the glowing colors of autumn seem to fade!  Enjoy them while they last!

October, too, seems to have sparkled brightly and briefly.

In our 2's class, we learned the story of Noah.  The first week, our kids "built" their own ark on paper, the next week they added animals, then they decorated a picture of a dove, and this last Sunday of October they put together a picture of a rainbow:  God's promise to never flood the earth again.

November is all about giving thanks to the Lord!  Thanks for our families, friends, the food we eat, the homes we live in, and most of all for the gift of God's son, Jesus.

Our two's class will do fun crafts with leaves and turkeys, while learning some simple prayers to say, "Thanks!"

May God's blessings be with you and your family during this beautiful season!

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Upcoming Events!

If you follow our Facebook page, you may have noticed a slew of upcoming events! So, here they all are in one place. If you have any questions, email me at molly@northcreekpres.org, or check out the links to the websites.


Open Play Group

Fall is upon us and with it the change in weather. If you are looking for a cozy, friendly and free indoor space, join us in the Fellowship Hall at North Creek Presbyterian Church on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month from 10:00-11:30am for a drop in play group for kids 6 years and under and their parents or caregivers. We will have different play stations, a craft area, snacks, coffee, and a...
short group time at the end. The adults can chat while the children play. It is free and open to anyone so pass on the information to your friends!

Last meet-up was so much fun for me. My older children would never let me sing and passed on that aversion to my youngest, Ethan. I planned on doing fewer songs but imagine my surprise when the little ones wanted more! We started with Itsy Bitsy spider and sang several times, the kids were having so much fun. I found my Itsy Bitsy spider book that contains a few more verses for the kids to try out. I'm looking forward to seeing any who can make it and meeting new moms in the area.

PS Nicki Solie will be making Peanut Butter and Jelly bars and pumpkin bread for treats tomorrow.

Next playgroup Thursday, Nov 1st.

Christmas Boutique

You are cordially invited to the 24th annual Christmas at North Creek holiday boutique featuring fine handcrafted items for Christmas and other special occasions. Gift items from more than forty outstanding northwest Washington artisans will be displayed to satisfy your seasonal and special occasion giving needs. This fun and festive event is held Oct 25th, 26th, & 27th (Thurs & Fri 10-6; Sat 10-4...

Christmas at North Creek is hosted by North Creek Presbyterian Church. All proceeds generated benefit the St. Petersburg Children's Hospice in Russia which provides palliative care to terminally ill children whose families cannot afford clinical treatment.

Childcare available: Thurs & Fri: 10 am - 12 pm
Sat: 10 am - 4 pm
(Suggested donation of $2 per hour per child)
Family Seminary
Sunday, November 4th 5:15 pm to 7:30 pm

Join us for our first Family Seminary seminar: Spiritual Parenting in a Digital Media Age.
5:15 - 6:00pm Family dinner
6:00 - 7:30pm - Adult Seminar & Children/Youth programming

Well known author, speaker, and founder of the Parenting Coach Institute, Gloria DeGaentano will guide participants to think about how to parent well in a digital media age by looking at brain development, ages & stages, and the role digital devices play in developing an interior life ripe for spiritual development.

Alpha Parenting Course

One more! It's not too late to sign up for the Alpha Parenting course: October 19 - November 16 at 7pm
Hosts: Craig and Lori Puljan
Free childcare. Cost for Course: $50 for each couple or $25 per person.
Hope to see you there!