Did you know that childcare is available during Alpha?
Did you know that childcare is available Wednesday evenings for church group meetings?
If you need childcare during any of these times, all you need to do is contact Molly at (425) 743-2386, or email her at molly@northcreekpres.org.
Interested in an upcoming church event but not sure if there is childcare? Contact Molly and ask!
Wondering who Molly is?
This is Molly, our Nursery and Childcare Coordinator:

Wondering why she looks so familiar? If you've been in the Nursery on Sunday mornings, you've met Molly! She is almost always behind the desk: greeting children, showing new parents how to sign in, and probably bouncing a baby.
Wondering what's up with the wacky colored hat in the picture? You'll have to ask her next Sunday!
Isa 66:13
"As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem."
FYI: The Building Fund Revival DINNER has been postponed. Also, there is currently no childcare available for the meeting this Friday, 3:00pm.