Tuesday, August 9, 2011

August: Fishers of Men

It may seem odd to base a month's worth of Sunday school lessons on one line from the Bible.

"Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."  Matthew 4:19

We have taught our 2 (now 3!) year olds about creation, Noah, giving thanks to God, the birth of Jesus, Jonah, God's love, prayer, the resurrection of Jesus, the lost sheep, the healing power of Jesus...and now we are teaching them what it means to be a disciple of Christ.

On the first Sunday of the month, I had the joy of teaching the 2's class.  Our craft was simple, but the message was a powerful one.  Each child colored a fish with their name on it, and glued the phrase, "Caught for Jesus" on the back.  I asked the children, "Do you know who Jesus is?"  And they all said, "Yes!"  Then I asked, "Do you know that Jesus loves you?"  And they all shouted, "YES!"  "Then," I told them, "you have been caught for Jesus!"

I asked the children, "Who caught you?  Who taught you about Jesus?"  The kids replied their mom, their dad...but one little girl touched my heart when she said that her teachers at church caught her for Jesus.

The rest of the month the lesson and the crafts will focus on how our students can "catch" more people for Jesus.  They can share stories from the bible, say prayers before meals, or just tell anyone they know about the love Jesus has for all of us.

Coming soon:  Graduation!  I have really enjoyed getting to know all of your children as they have grown up from babies, to toddlers, to amazing children. 
On August 28th, we will be celebrating the graduation of our 2's class, from the Nursery to Sunday School.  September 4th, Labor Day weekend, there will be no 2's class, and on September 11th, the new Sunday School year starts.

For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10)