Sunday, October 24, 2010

2nd Service Nursery Volunteer Needed!

2nd Service
Nursery Volunteer Needed!

The Nursery needs one person to volunteer the 4th Sunday of each month during 2nd Service. Must be willing to cuddle babies, play with toddlers, read stories and occasionally wipe noses.

If you feel called to minister to the youngest member of our church family, please contact Molly at

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Christmas Shopping Time!

Thinking about Christmas yet?

I know I'm not! 

So, when I saw that the Christmas Boutique was coming up already, I was surprised first, excited second...and then worried!  Last year, I tried to do some shopping, but with a three year old and a baby in tow, I couldn't spend much time looking around...

So this year, the Nursery Ministry Team is excited to announce that there will be drop-in childcare available ALL DAY all three days of the Boutique!!

So, mark your calendar!

Thursday, October 21st 10:00am to 6:00pm

 Friday, October 22nd 10:00am to 6:00pm

Saturday, October 23rd 10:00am to 4:00pm

More events are coming up at NCPC that have childcare available!  Check our calendar (below) for more info...and see you at the Christmas Boutique!